Current Needs

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Your donations are critical to help meet our guests’ essential needs.

Of course, it is your financial support that funds our work, but since we provide everything to our clients free of charge, your material donations mean that we can concentrate on our programs and not have to spend time, effort, and money shopping for everyday supplies.

Please drop off these donations Monday-Sunday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Samaritan House:

1335 Pacific Ave., Long Beach, CA 90813

Thank you for providing these essentials to support local men, women and children during their journey of healing and transformation. By coming alongside the Mission and giving generously, you offer our neighbors food to nourish their bodies, clean clothing and hygiene items to protect their health, educational supplies as they learn valuable life and work skills, and all the other basics they need during their time in our care. Thank you!

Everyday Needs

Most Prominent Needs:

  • Diapers size 5 & 6 only
  • Socks for Men, Women & Children
  • Toiletries (Small Individual Sizes for Search and Rescue)
  • Deodorant (specifically women’s)
  • Rice

Lydia House Needs:

  • Cold medicine
  • Washcloths
  • Size 5/6 diapers and 5T pull-ups
  • Toothpaste
  • Body Wash

Learning Center Needs:

  • Ticonderoga No. 2 Pencils
  • Spiral Notebooks

Kitchen Needs:

  • Canned goods:
    • Vegetables
    • Tuna
    • Soup
  • Non-perishable Items:
    • Seasonings
    • Salad dressings
    • Sugar
  • Bottled Water

Samaritan House Needs:

  • Men’s Razor
  • Men’s Boxers (All Sizes)
  • Jackets, Large Size Men’s Clothing
  • Socks
  • Toothbrushes
  • Assorted Gift Cards (Wal-Mart, Target, etc)

Maintenance Department Needs:

  • Work Truck or Van

Interested in Organizing a Donation Drive?

If you would like to organize a donation drive for your school, office, business or church, please contact our volunteer coordinator. We will schedule donation pickups and even provide collection bins for your drive!


Please feel free to use the following flyers to promote your donation drive:


Here’s how YOU can help!

A hot meal for a homeless man, woman or child is just $2.43!

Your $50.60 donation will provide about 21 hot, nourishing meals.

Give today to help with meals & care. Give monthly to help all year.