30 Jun Long Beach Rescue Mission Welcomes New Executive Director Jeff Levine

“If you’d told me 20 years ago – when I was struggling with addiction – that I’d one day be the Executive Director at Long Beach Rescue Mission, I wouldn’t have believed it… It’s my hope that the Mission will not only be a light to people experiencing homelessness and addiction in our community, but a light to our entire city.”
—Executive Director Jeff Levine
LONG BEACH, CA.–– On June 13, 2022, Long Beach Rescue Mission introduced their new Executive Director Jeff Levine. As the former Lead Pastor at Bethany Church in Long Beach, Levine brings a wealth of leadership and ministry experience to his new role.
In addition to his professional experience, Levine’s personal story with addiction – and recovery – make him uniquely qualified to serve others in our community facing the challenges of homelessness and addiction.
“For 12 years, I struggled with drug addiction. Although I grew up in the church, I was walking far from God,” Levine said. “But it gives me hope when I think about my story and the transformative power of the gospel and the support I received. I’m proof that no one is beyond God’s reach.”
Levine’s recovery experience has helped him connect with guests at Long Beach Rescue Mission who have faced similar struggles as he has. At 25, with zero ministry experience but a love for God’s Word and God’s people, Levine became a chaplain at the Mission, where he served for 12 years. Levine would pursue further training in Biblical Studies and a Masters in Business Administration. He later followed God’s call to become the Lead Pastor at Bethany Church, where he would lead for four years. He is grateful to the Lord for guiding his steps back to the Mission.
“God has given me so many affirmations that He’s gone before me,” Levine said. One example of this is Levine’s recent success in connecting the Mission with a major donor who has pledged $300,000 yearly for 3 years to cover operating costs for a new 15-bed shelter with handicap-accessible beds in Long Beach.
“It is so special to see how God brings together the resources necessary to make this ministry work,” Levine said. “Our staff, our donors, our volunteers – what they have done has eternal significance.”
Long Beach Rescue Mission invites the community to visit their facilities for a tour and to meet new Executive Director Jeff Levine. Tours are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month. For more information or to RSVP for a tour, please call (562) 591-1292.